KSEStocks Data2025-03-05T00:20:49+05:00According to our database, DGKC has an average analyst price target for Dec 2025 of Rs. 125 based on estimates of 12 different analysts. This...
Rameen Kasana2024-07-31T23:21:12+05:00After today's rate cut, following companies burdened with substantial debt stand to gain significantly from reduced markup payments.
KSEStocks News2024-06-11T10:19:59+05:00The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has announced a significant policy rate cut of 150 basis points (bps), bringing the rate down to 20.5%.
KSEStocks News2024-04-21T02:07:30+05:00Taurus Research has just released an update on its coverage of DGKC stock. Here are the important points from their DGKC earnings preview: