According to our database, MCB has an average analyst price target for Dec 2025 of Rs. 340 based on estimates of 14 different analysts. This includes the highest price target of Rs. 389 by AKD Securities and the lowest price target of Rs. 289 by Spectrum.
Here is how different research firms have set their target prices for Dec 2025:
Research firm | MCB Target Price |
AHL | 338 |
AKD | 389 |
IGI | 380 |
JS | 315 |
Intermarket | 320 |
Taurus | 326 |
Foundation | 345 |
Insight | 357 |
Pearl | 329 |
IIS | 357 |
Darson | 340 |
Al Habib Capital MarketsAHCML | 355 |
Spectrum | 289 |
Sherman | 323 |
Average | 340 |
High | 389 |
Low | 289 |
No. of Ratings | 14 |
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